
Animal Listeners
The Awakening of Quinby Clark
Or ask at your favourite bookstore

Quinby Clark is stuck living with her awful family in an ordinary suburb of Sydney, Australia until the day she starts talking with birds and is invited to a mysterious boarding school
for children who can speak with animals.

The adventure begins ...
“It’s a beautiful day.”
Someone was singing! Quinby laughed as she looked away from the window and around the classroom to see who it was.
No one else was reacting. They appeared just as bored as usual.
“The perfect time to be free.”
Quinby couldn’t see anyone’s lips moving. Why was she the only one laughing?
Mrs Mizzi kept calling the roll. “Jason Huang?”
“Let’s celebrate!”
Quinby realised the voice was coming from outside.
She turned back to the window and her mouth fell open in shock as the magpie continued to sing, “This magical day.”